
COVID-19 vaccine and IBD

Patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) are frequently treated with immunosuppressive medications.


Finding Your Trigger Foods

When you are newly diagnosed with Crohn’s or colitis, there is a flood of information about how to control symptoms, what medication could assist, and a million different opinions on food that you should or shouldn’t eat.

Is Crohn’s disease considered an autoimmune disease?

Whether Crohn’s can be considered an autoimmune disease remains unclear.

Glial cells crucial to maintaining healthy gut immunity

Researchers at the Francis Crick Institute have uncovered a fundamental role of glial cells in the nervous system of the gut in maintaining a healthy intestine.

What To Do When Stuck In The Bathroom

Those of us living with Crohn’s or colitis are more than familiar with spending too much time in the bathroom. But the upside is we have so much extra time for activities!

Study shows diet has ‘underappreciated role’ in treating ulcerative colitis

Patients with ulcerative colitis following a novel diet achieved higher clinical remission and mucosal healing compared with patients who received a single donor fecal transplantation, with or without diet, according to a study.

National health literacy programme for people living with IBD

The aim of the CCA IBD project is to implement the Optimising Health Literacy and Access (Ophelia) process over 3 years to collaboratively codesign ways to improve delivery of information, services and resources for people with IBD and their carers.

IBD And Body Image

fe with IBD can often mean a constantly changing body. From weight change due to medication or flare ups, to surgery scars, to side effects that you never could have anticipated, the way you relate to your body can be intimately tied to your diagnosis.

High burden of ulcerative colitis in Australia

Both patients and physicians request more time for routine ulcerative colitis appointments. Patients with ulcerative colitis following a novel diet achieved higher clinical remission and mucosal healing compared with patients who received a single donor fecal transplantation, with or without diet, according to a study.

Get Active, Connect & Raise Awareness Of IBD

Registrations now open for the 2021 Live Fearless Challenge

People with IBD often have inadequate diets

IBD patients were less likely to have diets that regularly include vegetables, cereals, breads, and diary.

Treating inflammatory bowel disease in mice with engineered probiotic

Researchers from Brigham and Women’s Hospital report they have developed an engineered yeast that can induce multiple effects for treating IBD.