Notice Of Annual General Meeting

Notice is given that an Annual General Meeting of the ACCA trading as Crohn’s & Colitis Australia (CCA) will be held virtually via Zoom Video Conference on Monday 30 May 2022 at 4.00pm AEST.

If you are a financial member of CCA attending the meeting or wish to provide an apology, please register online using the form below.

Dated: 4 May 2022
By order of Directors

Dominique Tim So
Company Secretary

This notice can also be downloaded as a PDF.

Guest speaker – 2022 Annual General Meeting
Dr Ed Giles


Transition Tactics for Kids with IBD

About the speaker
Ed Giles is a consultant paediatric gastroenterologist at Monash and the Royal Children’s Hospital and lead for paediatric inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) at Monash.

Ed trained at the University of Melbourne and the Royal Children’s Hospital, as well as several hospitals in London. He received a PhD from the University of London in 2015. He was a consultant and lecturer at the Royal London Hospital and Barts Medical School until he returned to Melbourne in early 2016.

He is a research fellow at the Hudson Institute of Medical Research and senior lecturer in the Department of Paediatrics at Monash University. He has had a number of senior positions, including president of the Australasian Society of Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, and until recently sat on the research committee of the Gastroenterological Society of Australia (GESA).

His research interests are in host-microbiome interactions, particularly in regard to IBD. He has projects developing novel biotherapeutics in IBD, as well as other collaborations in laboratory research for which he jointly holds several grants. He is involved in clinical research and industry clinical trials for IBD.

Please enter your details below. Registered members will be contacted via email closer to the date of the AGM with the meeting agenda and details of how to access the Zoom conference. Please note non-members will not be permitted to attend the meeting.

Registrations close 26 May

For any enquiries regarding the AGM: 03 9815 1266 (option 0)