Share your story

Sharing your stories is at the heart of empowering our community and helping to #FlushTheStigma about inflammatory bowel disease. 

By sharing your lived experience, you can help provide support, encouragement and guidance to others in the Crohn’s and colitis community. If you’re interested in sharing your story with our community, tell us about your personal experiences below. 

You could have your story shared in our blog, on social media, a campaign promotion or be featured in our Insight Inside magazine to help support and inform others who are also on a Crohn’s and colitis journey. 

How has the disease affected how you manage your family/social commitments?

How does the disease impact your day-to-day life? What logistical things do you have to consider that other people don’t?

Share your story by email

If you would rather submit your story to us via email, follow these instructions: