IBD Awareness,

“Some would say I’m unlucky to have gotten sick; I say I’m lucky I lived.” – Trent’s story

It’s hard to fathom how much you take living a “normal life” for granted. Being able to sit down and enjoy a meal, go to the footy on a Saturday, enjoy a beer without worrying about what’s to come, or just sit on the couch with your wife after dinner watching TV. It’s little things like this you don’t realise how good they are until you can’t do them.

“I want to be someone who talks about it” – Cody Ramsey’s story

"Losing 29 kilograms in a matter of weeks, surviving multiple surgeries and an eight month stint in hospital, he is set to make what may be the greatest comeback in rugby league history."

“Looking at the bigger picture is vital” – Katie’s story

When I was a teenager, I didn’t have these kinds of conversations, and I think that’s part of why my diagnosis took longer than it should have. A lot of people with Crohn’s disease keep their symptoms to themselves out of fear or shame, and I hope that by sharing my story, I can encourage others to be more open about their struggles.

“Living your life and chasing your dreams” – Ironman Sam’s story

I want to spread the word that Crohn’s is horrible. It is life changing. But it doesn’t have to prevent you from living your life and chasing your dreams.

“I know now that I am stronger” – Trish’s story

Sometimes you can let it take over your life and at times life can feel quite dark. I've spent time hooked up to a drip to take Infliximab and feeling sorry for myself. I've also been airlifted to hospital because I've suspected a bowel perforation. I know now that I am stronger. I will have bad days as well as great days -- and the good days generally outweigh the bad. Keeping myself healthy for myself and my family is number one. I have also learned that letting others help me and support me is not a sign weakness.

“If you feel something isn’t right with your body or your child’s, stick to your guns and don’t back down” – Kelly and Xavier’s story

Our family has always been there to support us. During our hospital admissions, they’d be there in a heartbeat and would do everything they could to keep us, and Xavier entertained. In saying that, no one in the family has had IBD, so we’re working out what we can do together.

“I’ve managed to do so many things I wanted to do” – Tom’s story

At one point I was super low, and I got out of it. I thought I'd never be able to perform again. I'd never be able to travel, and I wouldn't be able to leave the house. I've been able to do all of that. I've managed to do so many things I wanted to do – that I never thought I could do. By sharing how I feel, I hope that people will draw some hope from that.

“Do not suffer in silence” – Adam’s story

The start of my IBD journey has been highly traumatic and has been filled with anxiety and stress. Just getting the diagnosis was all that I needed to settle me. I urge anyone who is symptomatic and who does not have a diagnosis to push your GP or go to emergency to get the answers you need. No-one should have to live in fear about not knowing what is happening in their body.

“Their stories have filled me with confidence that this was the right decision for me” – Beatrice’s story

I have met some amazing people throughout this journey, both patients and professionals alike, and their stories have filled me with confidence that this was the right decision for me. Life with a stoma is certainly not an easy one, and also not an easy decision to make. In my case I can't imagine life without it, and I look forward to see where life takes us.

“I have a much better perspective of life and its hurdles” – Champion rally co-driver Matt Dillon’s story

I remember taking my gold medal to my GP and gastroenterologist, as a way of saying thank you. It’s been a long journey to get to this level of competing, and they were a significant part of my journey. I wanted to acknowledge their work, and the impact that they’ve had on me.

Meet Chris

Chris's parents tell his story of being diagnosed with VEO-IBD

Meet Alexandra: Fearless fundraiser

Alexandra Nash tells her story of completing the 2023 Live Fearless Challenge and what obstacles she had to overcome to get there