“A different perspective on life and what I value most” – Maddy’s story

This year has tested my limits.

Earlier in the year I broke my wrist which lead to a cascade of events that unfolded in my life. I developed chronic GI issues which I initially thought was a result of significant stress. I lost 5kg and couldn’t eat anything on particularly bad days. I was told by doctors that this was just stress or IBS, and that I need to try harder with the FODMAP diet.

After five months of ongoing symptoms, including swollen eyes and mouth ulcers, I finally found a GP/specialist that took me and my concerns seriously despite my blood test results being normal.

I had two procedures which along with other pathology tests which confirmed my diagnosis of Crohn’s disease.

Despite how overwhelming this has been, and at times exceptionally isolating, I’ve learnt to adapt my lifestyle and thrive while living with Crohn’s disease. Having an amazing support network has helped, and exercise has been a lifesaver.

I am about to start my journey to find a medication that works for me which is daunting, but it also gives me hope that I will be able to eat normally again.

Although it’s a new way of living, it’s given me a different perspective on life and what I value most.

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