Fundraising offer form

Fundraising Offer Form

Contact details


Event Details

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Time of Event
Venue Address


(This does not mean you are guaranteeing to raise this amount. It is simply an estimated figure)

Event history

CCA Support

Crohn’s and Colitis Australia™ would like to offer you as much support as possible. We have included a number of items to assist you with your fundraising. If you wish to request more items, please contact the Fundraising Manager, and we will then allocate accordingly.

Please send me:
I offer to hold my Fundraising Event in accordance with those terms and conditions of Crohn’s and Colitis Australia™ attached. I understand my obligations with regards to sending the proceeds raised to CCA within 14 days.
Disclaimer: Crohn’s & Colitis Australia™ (CCA) reserves its right to withdraw its approval for the fundraiser/event at any time if it appears that there is a likelihood of the Fundraiser failing to adhere to any of the terms and conditions.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.